Complimentary TestWise and BuildWise licenses for referring ClinicWise
If you have followed AgileWay's toolset, my blog or books, you probably know about ClinicWise, a web-based clinic management software. The development and maintenance of ClinicWise heavily relies on the Test Automation and Continuoous Integration process using TestWise and BuildWise. Furthermore, we have a public Sandbox ClinicWise site, which serves two purposes:
- We provide free test script solutions for TestWise owners who replicate the test they are finding to be a challenge on Sitewise
- A modern, fast and production-quality (more importantly, with database reset) target site for automation testers to practise writing scripts
On the other hand, I understand testers/developers may want to learn/adopt test automation with TestWise and BuildWise, but are not in a position to purchase. While TestWise and BuildWise Agent have free functional versions, it is recommended to go for the professional edition to take the talked-a-lot-but-rarely-implemented test automation challenge.
Here is a proposal we came up with for the new year: If you like ClinicWise and recommend it to the clinics you know (physio, dental , ..., etc) and they sign up officially, AgileWay will issue one complimentary BuildWise Agent or TestWise license. The more referrals, the more licenses. The details are still in the works, but it is active from today. So you might help your friend to use an efficient, easy-to-use, reliable and affordable web-based practice management system, and do yourself a favour to get TestWise and BuildWise.