TestWise for Mac pre-release

By mark

Update (2011-05-11): Ver 2.0b1

Update (2010-12-24): Ver 2.0p5

Update (2010-12-10): Ver 2.0p4

TestWise for Mac is coming closer, you may download the pre-release version here: TestWise-2.0b1.zip


1. Pre-requiste:

  • Snow Leopard (Mac OS X 10.6.x)
  • RubyGems 1.3.7 or above installed (sudo gem update --system)

2. Double click the zip file to uncompress, get TestWise App.

3. Double click the TestWise App to launch

To run a Watir test, you need (on Mac) Firefox started with JSSH,

  /Applications/Firefox.app/Contents/MacOS/firefox-bin -jssh
TestWise2 will add (besides Watir) support for Selenium2 (webdriver), which means your tests can be run in Chrome as well.
To switch:
And in your test helper, require 'rwebspec-webdriver' instead of 'rwebspec'.
With Selenium2, JSSH is not required for running tests in Firefox.