TestWise IDE
Next Generation Functional Testing Tool
2.5.3 (2012-05-18)
- [Feature] Rename file updating currently opened editor as well
- [Upgrade] Cucumber 1.2
- [Fix] library: watir select_list().set => .select
- [Update] Drop menu ‘use Windows XP Visual Style’, always set
- [Feature] Add warning dialog when user change underlying test framework in project settings, thanks for Matti’s suggestion.
- [Fix] Refactoring: wrong characters shown when parameter value is not set, thanks for Hoang for reporting this.
- [Upgrade] RWebSpec 3.0.1, RWebSpec-WebDriver 0.3.7
- [Enhancement] printing: a lot smaller font
- [Update] include testwise recorder v1.4.8
- [Fix] imagelistbox when @items is nil
- [Update] remove scripts/execution_monitor from package (using BuildWise Agent)
2.5.1 (2012-05-02)
- [Update] bundle Ruby 1.8.7p358 (some anti-virus false alarms on p352)
- [Update] Increase maximum recent project to 10
- [Feature] Auto-complete local functions
- [Feature] press ‘uf’ snippet to list all functions
- [Enhancement] Add snippets “attach_browser(:title)”
2.5 (2012-04-30)
- [Upgrade] Watir 3
- [Upgrade] RWebSpec 3
- [Enhancement] Change debug text in tracing window to colour Blue
- [Enhancement] Press Esc in tracing window will set focus in editor
- [Enhancement] Updated RWebSpec API document
- [Enhancement] Fixed broken links in F1 help file
- [Enhancement] Replace window show replaced count and searching for beginning.
- [Feature] Ctrl+Shift+M change camel case to underscore on current word
- [Feature] Ctrl+Shift+U toggle case to underscore on current word
- [Enhancement] F5 copy file in project tree dialog now centers
- [Enhancement] Reveal in project will set focus on the project tree (not on the element through)
- [Enhancement] Fixed trace window not scrolling to the last
- [Revert] Ruby 1.8.7p352
- [Enhancement] if project only have environment, pre-set environment
- [Enhancement] Ctrl+Space works on Mac # accelerator
- [Enhancement] Alt+0 refocus on the editor # basemainframe
- [Enhancement] Esc on project tree will set focus on the editor
- [Enhancement] Click file in project tree won’t focus on editor, only double click does
- [Upgrade] Selenium 2.21
- [Feature] Add syntax highlight friendly checkbox on new feature step dialog
- [Enhancement] On Run Panel, display time in .00 precisions
- [Enhancement] On Run Panel, display selected project env name not URL
- [Enhancement] Center New feature step dialog
- [Issue] Sometimes image of run panel cannot be displayed, repaint!!
- [Change] Drop support for FireWatir
- [Upgrade] Ruby interpreter 1.8.7p358
- [Upgrade] Bundler 1.0.22,
- [Upgrade] Cucumber 1.1.9, Selenium-WebDriver 2.20, RAutomation 0.7.1
- [Upgrade] Recorder 1.4.7
- [Upgrade] RwebSpec 2.2, RWebSpec-WebDriver 0.3.4
- [Feature] Escape complete is based on how nearby
- [Change] Testwise editor context menu ‘Refactoring’ -> ‘Refactor’
- [Fixes] Exported Excel report printing only small section
- [Fixes] Showing ‘Trailed copy” on title bar even for registered users
- [Update] remove IE recorder link from start page.
- [Update] Better output when running selenium capture screenshots
- [Enhancement] Don’t load rwebspec on Mac/Linux platform
- [Enhancement] auto complete feature steps using ???
- [Enhancement] in dynamic editor, apply bundle syntax (keyword)
- [Upgrade] selenium 2.11
2.3.7 (2012-02-05)
- [Fixes] default to Firefox browser when create new Watir/Cucumber project
- [Enhancement] make dropdown of create cucumber step file larger
- [Fixes] move testwise.properties to root dir
2.3.6 (2012-01-28)
- [Enhancement] show .csv, .xml, .erb files in project tree
- [Enhancement] add testwise.properites to configure new file types to show in project tree
- [Enhancement] add testwise.properties to set max display debug message length
- [Fix] not reading full debug message
- [Upgrade] Selenium-WebDriver 2.18
2.3.5 (2012-01-23)
- [Fix] reload file changes in editor (regression with tailings)
- [Feature] Indenting Cucumber Feature file
- [Enhancement] remember caret positions and bundle name when switching editors
- [Enhancement] don’t try to parse non-ruby files for method lookups (reload_structure)
- [Enhancement] clear caret positions on status bars when there is no editors
- [Upgrade] rwebspec 2.1, rwebspec-webdriver 0.3, selenium-webdriver 2.17
- [Enhancement] Update default env.rb in cucumber projects to support running scenario outlines
- [Fixes] Switch active editors will keep current bundle
- [Fixes] Change bundle from status bar will apply lexer and syntax correctly=
2.3.3 (2012-01-07)
- [Enhancement] Find result scrolling issue on resize (finally)
- [Enhancement] Fixed not closing FindInPath dialog (now no reuse)
- [Enhancement] in Feature steps file, Ctrl+B excludes not in test_helper.rb
- [Enhancement] in RSpec tests, Ctrl+B excludes auto complete env’s functions
- [Enhancement] don’t increment syntax check if there is complete dialog
- [Fixes] Speed up find in project (assign high priority to thread)
- [Enhancement] Skipping binary when search recursively in a directory as well.
- [Fixes] Pathname error in findresultswindow
2.3.2 (2012-01-05)
- [Enhancement] Search in projects is sent to background,
- [Enhancement] Replace in projects is sent to background
- [Fixes] Error when perform search in project on start page
- [Fixes] Go to file in find results window: can’t navigate to page file
- [Upgrade] Selenium-WebDriver 2.16
2.3.1 (2011-12-31)
- [Feature] Auto-complete cucumber feature steps
- [Upgrade] testwise-recorder 1.4.6
- [Upgrade] RWebSpec and RWebSpec-WebDriver
2.3 (2011-12-20)
- [Feature] Co-exists RSpec and Cucumber in the same test project, reuse page classes
- [Fixes] Disable file monitoring as it may show duplications files under project tree
- [Enhancement] New File dialog: highlight and focus file name
- [Enhancement] Add warning for Watir projects clicking Firefox
- [Upgrade] Cucumber 1.1.4, Selenium-WebDriver 2.15
- [Fixes] on creating selenium-webdriver project, Chrome browser icon is disabled, open project is OK.
- [Feature] Editor: Ctrl+A and Ctrl+E
- [Feature] {Mac} Cucumber generate steps without colour
- [Feature] Show error indicator on the line where cucumber feature failed on
- [Fixes] typo in create feature steps menu
- [Fixes] {Refactor-rename} start rename function reference, does not change page function definition
- [Feature-TODO] show error line on cucumber feature
- [Upgrade RWebSpec] try => try_until
- [Enhancement] Detect different RWebSpec project loaded in the same instance of TestWise.
2.2.5 (2011-12-08)
- [Enhancement] Extract method for Cucumber
- [Enhancement] Move function to Helper for Cucumber
- [Enhancement] Populate latest helper method in auto complete list
- [Fixes] syntax error checking on creating undefined feature steps
- [Enhancement] Special evaluation license
- [Upgrade] selenium-rwebspec 0.1.15, selenium-webdriver 2.14
- [Fixes] Unable to take Screenshot (overriding PATH in rspec_executor was the cause)
- [Fixes] test report html where trace[0] check
- [Update] recorder 1.4.5
- [Update] rwebspec-webdriver 0.1.4
- [Enhancement] in Selenium2/Watir, expect_page starts with same behaviour as in RWebSpec
- [Upgrade] recorder 1.4.4
- [Upgrade] selenium-webdriver-2.13, cucumber 1.1.3
- [Enhancement] more stable launch TestWise after installation
- [Fixes] executing ruby script file (not test case) OK if installed in path with spaces
h3 2.2.1
- [Upgrade] recorder 1.4.1
- [Upgrade] latest Cucumber and ffi
- [Fixes] typo on start page
2.2 (2011-11-10)
- [Feature] Auto-complete parent page methods
- [Feature] Auto update the project structure on file changes in project directory: testwisemaincontroller: monitorprojectio_changes
- [TextWise] now can run ruby script directly in TextWise
- [Enhancement] Auto detect folder/change changes
- [Upgrade] Watir 2.0.4, selenium-webdriver 2.0.10
- [Remove] PopupHandlerDialog, use BuildWiseAgent instead
2.1.1 (2011-10-23)
- [Upgrade] selenium-webdriver 2.9.1
- [Upgrade] watir 2.0.3
2.1 (2011-10-18)
- [Upgrade] RWebSpec 2.0, no preloading firewatir gem
- [Fixes] Unable to run clicknowait in TestWise
- [Fixes] Indenting on functions created from intention dialog
- [Fixes] Fixes caching display page class function created from intention dialog
- [Fixes] Fixes inserting order page class functions created from intention dialog
- [Fixes] JavaScript Popup Dialog handling not working when TestWise installed under c:\Program File
- [Fixes] Intention: create function with pure number argument value
- [Enhancement] Handle paste from clipboard no narrowing dialogs: go to file, go to test case
- [Enhancement] Show RWebSpec version in about dialog in debug mode
- [Upgrade] rformspec 0.4
- [Upgrade] selenium-webdriver 2.8 [Upgrade] cucumber-1.1.0, json_pure 1.6.1, xml-simple 1.1.1 [Internal Refactoring] create FileHelper with static file related methods
2.0.6 (2011-09-24)
- [Fixes] New cucumber dry run appending notes as plain text, exclude them
- [Enhancement] load cucumber gem on opening project or creating a new project, speed up execution and create feature steps
- [Upgrade] Cucumber 1.0.6
- [Upgrade] Recorder 1.4
- [Upgrade] selenium-webdriver 2.7
- [Fixes] Popuphandler when rubyshell not present
- [Fixes] test suites not sorted
- [Enhancements] refactored start page not using frames
- [Enhancement] {Refactoring} extract function reformat newly generated function
- [Enhancement] {Refactoring} extract function reformat method caller line
- [Enhancement] {Refactoring} move caret to end of new function call after extract function
- [Enhancement] {Upgrade} Watir 2.0.2
- [Enhancement] {Upgrade} Selenium-webdriver 2.6
- [Fixes] {Mac} not showing error line indicator as screenshot report template
- [Enhancement] Run selected test scripts
- [Enhancement] Source control diff dialog
- [Enhancement] Diff style change, remove spacing, add background colour to line numbers
- [Enhancement] Merge create cucumber feature step into one operation
- [Fixes] {Refactoring} extract function to help file where there is methods defined
- [Fixes] {Refactoring} move to after blocks
2.0.1 (2011-08-27)
- [Feature] Cucumber running individual scenario
- [Feature] {Mac} cheaper Mac license key
- [Feature] Create a new feature file with default skeleton
- [Feature] Cucumber feature file syntax validation
- [Feature] Check cucumber feature syntax before running
- [Feature] New cucumber icons for navigation and execution
- [Fixes] when no step definition defined, tests are treated run OK
- [Fixes] Stop cucumber execution
- [Feature] Create all undefined steps in a new step file
- [Fixes] {Mac} can recreate database if not exists
- [Fixes] {Mac} very tall height in last_size
- [Enhancement] running cucumber feature will save all step files
- [Upgrade] selenium-webdriver 2.5
- [Enhancement] {refactoring} don’t set parameters for selenium’s find by :name, :id
TestWise 2.0 (2011-08-18)
Feature Highlights
- Selenium 2.0
- Cucumber
- Watir 2.0
- New IE Recorder
- [Feature] Run test in IE, Firefox and Chrome with selenium-webdriver
- [Feature] Support loading Watir or Selenium 2.0 project based on project preference
- [Feature] Project templates
- [Feature] Syntax Highlight
- [Feature] Run test (feature)
- [Feature] Show scenario name in run panel
- [Feature] Ctrl+B goes to declaration (from features to steps)
- [Feature] Auto-complete page methods in step definitions
- [Feature] Ctrl+Shift+T goes to test case
- [Feature] Add Cucumber to project setting dialog
- [Feature] Add Cucumber to new project dialog
- [Feature] Add Cucumber project template
- [Feature] Extract Page Refactor
- [Enhancement] New Refactor engine
- [Enhancement] Rename local variable - change scope parameters
- [Enhancement] Rename local variable - not updating same text in quoted strings
- [Enhancement] Rename local variable - remember current caret pos
- [Enhancement] syntax highlight character differently from string
- [Enhancement] No border for for editor panes
- [Enhancement] No border for start page’s resource section
- [Fixes] project preference dialog sunken border
- [Fixes] Mac: crash report
- [Enhancement] show screenshot path
- [Feature] JIRA integration
- [Feature] StoryWise: get requirement from StoryWise as as test case name
- [Feature] StoryWise: show requirement via a link
- [Enhancement] (Requirement) when no panes display, scroll to show current line
- [Enhancement] (Requirement) only display insert test steps button if there are steps retrieved from StoryWise
Test Reporting
- [Feature] Test reports includes screenshots
- [Feature] Take screenshot when test fails (new setting)
- [Feature] Web site monitor
- [Enhancement] Standardlise page class in test project: AbstractPage on RSpec/Cucumber or Watir/WebDriver
- [Enhancement] use yaml configuration, improve startup time
- [Fix] Network proxy with password
- [Feature] Go to line dialog accepts optional column (separate ,)
- [Refactor] RENAME Global variables $ITEST_ to $TESTWISE_
- [Updated] TestWise recorder 1.3.2 supports Firefox 6
- [Upgrade] Xml library on Mac
- [Enhancement] greatly improve test execution speed in TestWise
- [Enhancement] using RAutomation to check whether TestWise is already running?
- [Enhancement] Improve cucumber test execution time
- [Enhancement] Creating project preset storywise url if ENV[STORYWISE_URL] is set
- [Enhancement] Go to test case show test icon
- [Enhancement] Go to page object show page icon
- [Enhancement] close refactor preview on close projects
- [Enhancement] indenting extracted method
- [Enhancement] Recognize more Watir test scripts during parameter analyse
- [Enhancement] Optimize the column width for parameter list in extract refactoring dialogs
- [Enhancement] Add specific file icons for selectedtest
- [Fixes] Check regular expression in featurestepfile
- [Fixes] startpage loading syntax error on home page
- [Fixes] Extract page: keep full parameter length, fixed parameter variable (truncated to 50) not matching declaration
- [Fixes] RWebSpec abstractpage
- [Fixes] Selenium 2 project templates: abstractpage, testhelper and newtest
- [Fixes] Watir project templates: abstractpage, testhelper and newtest
- [Fixes] Cucumber env to support TestWise chose browser
- [Fixes] not marking error line for failed test in a newly created test project
- [Fixes] opentest doesn’t activate TestWise 2.0, changed the way to activate
- [Enhancement] More intelligent set big run panel height based on TestWise window size
- [Enhancement] Swap run result and elapsed time column in run panel
- [Fixes] RWebSpec bundle not including Ruby snippets
Source Control
- [Feature] Add Git push to origin
Editor/Work with test scripts
- [Feature] Show call tips to auto-completed helper functions
- [Feature] Highlight call tip as user enter parameters (methods with more than one arguments)
- [Enhancement] Must faster syntax validation
- [Enhancement] Dynamically show line number (default on in TestWise)
- [Enhancement] Dynamically show marker margin (default on in TestWise)
- [Enhancement] Faster syntax validation on the fly
- [Feature] Go to page dialog
- [Feature] Find in Path - support find in select directory
- [Feature] In find in project, pre-select finding in folder if a folder is currently selected
- [Enhancement] Project configuration: reset template, add instructions
- [Enhancement] Snippet now aware of indent
- [Enhancement] tab to next stop is almost working
- [Enhancement] expand snippet will set caret to the selection start (if the selection is a word)
- [Enhancement] cancel current snippet if caret moved up/down/left/right
Mac specific
- [Enhancement] Lion compatiablity
- [Fixes] New File Dialog too small on Mac, and path separator
- [Feature] New way of packaging
- [Fixes] Statusbar now showing panel correctly
- [Fixes] Run ruby scripts from context menu
- [Fixes] Mac: clicking DockTaskIcon returns error
- [Fixes] Mac: Extract Page the parameter list not proportional
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