521 published articles in total, updated on 2024-11-27.

Published On Title
2022-11-15 "Practical Desktop App Test Automation with Appium" eBook is available
2022-11-15 "Shift Left Testing" Clarified
2023-05-11 "Cucumber is Dying", What did we learn?
2024-09-02 "Cypress.io is Dying" Revisited, One Year Later
2022-11-17 "Daily Production Releases" Clarified
2022-11-14 "Done, Done" in Agile
2022-11-14 "One Team One Dream" vs "Another Day Another Dollar"
2022-11-17 "Release Early, Release Often" Clarified
2024-07-03 "Vice President" (VP) is a Bad Position Title in Software Companies
2024-02-18 #27: CRUD Test Revisit (with Modal)
2024-02-24 #28: CRUD Test Revisit (without Database Reset)
2024-03-04 #29: Search/Find/Filter Clients (Test Data Preparation)
2024-03-09 #30: Client Sorting (Find multiple elements in Table)
2024-03-19 #31: Add New Group Lesson Service (XPath locator)
2024-03-24 #32: Quick Search Clients (Live Search)
2024-04-07 #33: Client Membership (Transformed Controls)
2024-04-15 #34: Client Membership (Multiple User Sign in and out)
2024-04-21 #35: Client Makes Booking
2024-05-05 #36 Business View Client"s Booking (Date formatting)
2024-05-10 #37: Reliable Client Booking Test
2024-05-14 #38: Verify Available Time Slots
2024-05-22 #39: Change Available Time Slots (Selenium Advanced User Interactions)
2024-05-26 #40: Responsive Web Testing
2024-06-03 #41: Create an Appointment via a Calendar
2024-06-09 #42: Create a Multi-Slot Appointment in Calendar (Selenium WebDriver"s Advanced User Interactions)
2024-06-17 #43: Business Create Booking in Calendar
2024-06-26 #44: Moving an Appointment
2024-09-08 #45: Shopping Cart
2024-09-23 #46: Create Client Invoice (Inline-Edit)
2024-10-06 #47: Print An Invoice (File Download)
2023-10-20 ~70% of SDLC Effort is on Software Testing and Related Activities
2022-11-13 01: Hello Web Test Automation
2022-11-13 02 Web Test Automation Simplified
2022-11-13 03: Introduction to Selenium WebDriver Run your first Selenium test steps
2022-11-13 04: User Sign in OK Test
2022-11-13 05: Multi-Login Tests (RSpec Test Syntax Framework)
2022-11-18 06: The second test: Failed to sign in (tips for productivity)
2022-11-19 07 Execute Test Case vs Test Script
2022-11-22 08 Select Oneway Flight
2022-11-25 09 Select Return Flight
2022-11-26 10 Enter Passenger Names
2022-11-18 10-Minute Guide to Git Version Control for Testers
2022-09-19 10-Minute Guide to Object-Oriented Programming
2022-11-16 10-Minute Guide to Object-Oriented Programming for Automated Testers
2022-11-15 10-Minute Guide to Set up Test Automation using Selenium WebDriver with Ruby
2022-11-27 11 Execution Tests in Tools and from Command Line.
2022-11-29 12 Payment Test (AJAX)
2022-12-02 13 Sony Playstation Login Test
2022-12-04 14 Testing Page with iFrames
2022-12-06 15 Refactoring: Extract Sign In Function
2022-12-13 16 Refactoring: Move to Helper
2022-12-17 17. Move test steps into Rspec hooks
2023-03-22 18 Refactoring: Extract to Page Object Model
2023-03-29 19 Refactoring: Introduce Page Object
2023-07-02 20 WhenWise Login Tests
2023-08-01 21 Verify Logged out Properly & Run the same against against two different browsers
2023-10-30 22 CRUD (create, read, update and delete) tests
2023-10-31 23 Update Professional Test - without database reset
2023-11-01 24 Random & Dynamic Test Data
2023-11-25 25 File Upload
2024-01-20 26 Google Maps Address Validation
2022-12-22 30-minutes Test Automation Coaching for $1
2024-11-12 35-Word Functional Test Automation Strategy
2023-08-30 A Book Changed Me to Get on the Journey to Achieve Financial Freedom
2023-04-24 A Brief Introduction to Appium Inspector: Part 1 — Creating Sessions
2023-05-07 A Brief Introduction to Appium Inspector: Part 2 — Inspecting Elements
2023-05-22 A Brief Introduction to Appium Inspector: Part 3 — Navigation
2022-11-14 A Dream that I Had 20 Years Ago: "develop a cool C++ app" Has Been Finally Realised
2022-11-14 A few good calls I have made on Test Automation and CT journey since 2005
2023-11-15 A Follow-up for My Article, "Cypress.io is Dying" After 3 Months
2023-11-24 A Follow-Up Question for AI Test Automation Fans: Did you actually implement Real UI Test Automation with ChapGPT or like, before ChatGPT"s first anniversary?
2023-02-10 A Good Software Testing Culture Can be Easily Broken
2024-05-07 A Good Software Testing Process Should Effectively Prevent the Recurrence of the Same Defects in New Releases
2024-07-09 A Poor Software Engineer"s Guide to E2E Test Automation with Google Maps
2024-11-17 A Practical Advice on Rejecting Gherkin for Test Automation
2023-11-13 A Practical Advice to Shorten Daily Stand-up Meetings in Software Projects
2024-08-10 A Small Collection of CrowdStrike "Blue Screen Death Day" Memes
2024-06-06 A Story of ~Unit, a Failed Developer-Created E2E Automation Framework I Witnessed
2024-11-27 A Story of 100X API Testing I Implemented in a Matter of Days
2023-08-18 A Story of a Veteran Manual Tester"s Learning Test Automation from a Coach: "One Question per Day"
2024-11-04 A Story: "Promised E2E Test Automation Training Never Came"
2022-11-14 Advice on Self-Learning Test Automation with Selenium WebDriver
2022-11-13 Advice on Software Projects to Survive at COVID-19: Time to Skill Up Continuous Testing
2024-04-10 Advice to Learn E2E Test Automation Effectively, with My Books
2022-11-17 Agile Certifications are Wrong!
2022-09-29 Agile Coaches / Scrum Masters Shall be Technically Excellent or understand the importance of…
2022-11-17 Agile Project Management: You Cannot Lower the Quality
2022-11-13 AgileWay Continuous Testing Grading
2024-11-02 AgileWay Test Automation Formula
2023-02-16 AgileWay's Web Test Automation Creation Service: One Test Step for $1
2023-02-28 All those who claimed to be "Automated Testers" and Promoted "Headless Testing" were Fake
2024-11-17 Allow Web Automation Tests to Use Your Location
2024-09-06 An Embarrassing Defect at Medium Due to Lack E2E Automation Regression Testing
2023-09-04 An Event Changed Me to Work for Myself: Attending One Former Colleague"s Funeral
2022-12-14 An IT Graduate"s frustration with a Fake "Senior Test Automation Engineer"
2023-02-08 An Unbelievable True Story: People"s Fixation on an Obviously Failed "Self-Created" Test Automation Framework
2022-11-16 An Unsuccessful Attempt to use OCR to Pass text-based Captcha in Selenium Automated Tests
2024-02-09 Analyse of World Quality Report 2023–2024: Recommendations
2022-11-17 Analyse Software Testing Effort/Budget in SDLC from The European Software Testing Benchmark Report 2022
2023-01-19 Analyses of the Wired Article: "The Software Revolution Behind LinkedIn"s Gushing Profits"
2023-03-05 Analysis of Hired"s 2023 State of Software Engineers Report: "Ruby on Rails is the most in-demand skill."
2022-11-15 Appium Desktop Test Automation Milestone: 60,000 test executions over 2 years for 300-test regression suite
2024-06-11 Apple"s Inaction on Mac Computers Allows Microsoft Third Attempts on Windows ARM64, now Launches Copilot+PC
2024-08-28 Are "Agile Coach" and "SCRUM Master" Being Deprecated?
2022-11-13 Attach Selenium Python Test Steps Against An Existing Browser
2024-02-01 Auto-Waiting in Web Test Automation Clarified
2023-02-19 Automate an iOS Tic Tac Toe app with Appium 2 (XCUITest) Part 1: Player vs Player
2022-11-16 Automate Input Range Element in Selenium WebDriver
2023-02-04 Automate Windows Calculator (UWP) with Appium 2
2023-02-06 Automated End-to-End Testing in the Context of Allen Holub"s Three Agile Values
2022-11-15 Automated Test Scripts Shall be in the Syntax of a Scripting Language, Naturally!
2023-03-17 Automated Testers Advocate for ChatGPT (AI) is like taxi drivers Singing for Driverless cars
2022-11-16 Automated Testing Charts in Selenium WebDriver
2022-12-05 Automated Testing Elements on a Lazy Load Page with Selenium WebDriver
2022-11-16 Automated Testing Frames in Selenium WebDriver
2022-11-16 Automated Testing PDF Download in Selenium WebDriver
2022-11-16 Automated Testing QR Codes in Selenium WebDriver
2022-11-22 Automating Shadow DOM with Selenium WebDriver
2022-11-15 Automation Assist, Part 1: Showcase
2023-11-01 Automation Assist, Part 2: Training
2023-06-26 Automation Assist, Part 2: Training
2024-07-17 Basic Appium Automation: Part 1- Appium Locators
2024-07-22 Basic Appium Automation: Part 2 — Using Locators (iOS)
2024-07-30 Basic Appium Automation: Part 3— Using Locators (Android)
2022-11-13 BDD Clarified: BDD "Given-When-Then" (Gherkin)
2024-01-28 Be Aware of Processes Introduced by Fake Agile Consultants
2022-11-15 Be aware of the "fake it until you make it" mindset in Test Automation and CI/CD
2022-11-16 Benchmark Selenium Test Executions on Machines with Different OS and CPU
2022-11-14 Benefits of Continuous Testing (Part 1: to Wise Executives)
2022-11-14 Benefits of Continuous Testing (Part 2: to Wise Managers)
2022-11-14 Benefits of Continuous Testing (Part 3: to Business Analysts)
2022-11-14 Benefits of Continuous Testing (Part 4: to Wise Developers)
2022-11-14 Benefits of Continuous Testing (Part 5: to Wise Testers)
2022-11-14 Benefits of Continuous Testing (Part 6: to Happy Customers)
2022-11-16 BuildWise CT Server in Docker
2024-10-20 Can Your Project Manager / Agile Coach / Scrum Master Confidently Demonstrate the Main Business Flow of Your App?
2022-11-15 Case Study: 548 Selenium Tests Help to Upgrade WhenWise to Rails 7 within 2 days
2023-11-05 Case Study: A Reliable Test Statement to Locate A Non-Unique Button
2022-11-16 Case Study: Automated Testing "Login with Remember Me" in Selenium WebDriver
2023-02-12 Case Study: Automation Script to Extract the Top 10 Authors featured in the Software Testing Newsletters
2023-04-12 Case Study: Continuous Performance Testing
2024-08-15 Case Study: Count the number of "shakes" within "Shake it Off""s lyrics on a webpage.
2024-11-19 Case Study: How Much Money Does Real End-to-End Test Automation Save? *
2023-03-01 Case Study: Image Manipulation in Automated End-to-End Tests
2022-11-16 Case Study: JMeter Performance/Load Testing User Login with CSRF Token Protection
2023-01-17 Case Study: Locator Chaining in Selenium WebDriver
2023-01-21 Case Study: Mechanize Performance/Load Testing User Login with CSRF Token Protection
2024-11-24 Case Study: Migrate Cypress API Tests to Ruby
2022-11-17 Case Study: Real "Release Early; Release Often" ClinicWise Development. First production release after 40-hour development; Then Daily Production Releases
2022-11-14 Case Study: Simulate Two Users with Selenium Automation Scripts
2024-08-24 Case Study: Use Selenium To Extract A List of Published Medium Article Titles
2022-11-16 Case Study: User Change Password Automated Test
2022-11-16 Case Study: User Login Tests in Selenium WebDriver
2022-11-16 Case Study: User Reset Password via Email in Selenium WebDriver
2022-11-16 Case Study: User Sign up Automated Test in Selenium WebDriver
2023-01-29 Case Study: Wait for File Download to Complete Safely in Selenium
2024-01-01 Celebrate TestWise's 15-Year Birthday with a Special Discount for the first time: 25% off.
2024-07-12 Challenge a Recent Study Claiming "268% higher failure rates for Agile Software Projects"
2023-06-30 ChatGPT is out for over 6 months. Have you implemented real test automation with AI?
2023-01-01 ChatGPT is Useless for Real Test Automation
2022-11-13 Chinese Idiom Stories for Software Professionals: #01 Seven-Step Poem (七步詩)
2022-11-13 Chinese Idiom Stories for Software Professionals: #02 Lord Ye Loves Dragon (葉公好龍)
2022-11-14 Chinese Idiom Stories for Software Professionals: #03 Imitating Beauty (东施效颦)
2022-11-14 Chinese Idiom Stories for Software Professionals: #04 To win a war with words (纸上谈兵)
2022-11-14 Chinese Idiom Stories for Software Professionals: #05 Practice makes perfect (熟能生巧)
2022-11-14 Chinese Idiom Stories for Software Professionals: #06 A quiet man of sincerity attracts admiration (桃李不言,下自成蹊)
2022-11-14 Chinese Idiom Stories for Software Professionals: #07 Be There just to Make Up the Number (滥竽充数)
2022-11-14 Chinese Idiom Stories for Software Professionals: #08 Cut a Mark on the Boatside to Retrieve a Sword (刻舟求剑)
2022-11-14 Chinese Idiom Stories for Software Professionals: #09 Covering One"s Ears to Steal a Bell (掩耳盗铃)
2022-11-14 Chinese Idiom Stories for Software Professionals: #10 Self-Contradictory (自相矛盾)
2022-11-14 Chinese Idiom Stories for Software Professionals: #11 Pulling Up the Seedlings to Help Them Grow(拔苗助长)
2022-11-14 Chinese Idiom Stories for Software Professionals: #12 Copy the way they Walk in Handan (邯郸学步)
2022-11-14 Chinese Idiom Stories for Software Professionals: #13 Buying the Case but Returning the Pearl (买椟还珠)
2022-11-14 Chinese Idiom Stories for Software Professionals: #14 Waiting for Hares by the Tree(守株待兔)
2022-11-14 Chinese Idiom Stories for Software Professionals: #15 Those Who Flee 50 Steps Laugh at Those Who Flee 100 Steps(五十步笑百步)
2022-11-14 Chinese Idiom Stories for Software Professionals: #16 Complementing Each Other (相辅相成)
2022-11-14 Chinese Idiom Stories for Software Professionals: #17 It is never too late to mend (亡羊补牢)
2022-11-14 Chinese Idiom Stories for Software Professionals: #18 The Measurements Are More Reliable! (愚人買鞋)
2022-11-14 Chinese Idiom Stories for Software Professionals: #19 Paying a Handsome Price For A Swift Steed (千金買死馬)
2022-11-14 Chinese Idiom Stories for Software Professionals: #20 Opposite effect to one"s intention (南辕北辙)
2022-11-14 Chinese Idiom Stories for Software Professionals: #21 Prevention is Better (扁鹊三兄弟)
2022-11-14 Chinese Idiom Stories for Software Professionals: #22 A Good Neighbour worths a Thousand Silver Coins(千金买邻)
2022-11-14 Chinese Idiom Stories for Software Professionals: #23 Calling A Stag A Horse (指鹿为马)
2022-11-14 Chinese Idiom Stories for Software Professionals: #24 To Draw a Snake with Feet 画蛇添足
2022-11-14 Chinese Idiom Stories for Software Professionals: #25 Blind Men Feeling an Elephant 盲人摸象
2022-11-14 Chinese Idiom Stories for Software Professionals: #26 Skilled and Magical Craftsmanship (庖丁解牛)
2022-11-14 Chinese Idiom Stories for Software Professionals: #27 Trim the Toes to Fit the Shoes 削足适履
2022-11-14 Chinese Idiom Stories for Software Professionals: #28 Climb a tree to Catch fish (缘木求鱼)
2022-11-14 Chinese Idiom Stories for Software Professionals: #29 Look for a Steed by Book (按图索骥)
2022-11-14 Chinese Idiom Stories for Software Professionals: #30 To give up halfway (半途而废)
2022-11-14 Chinese Idiom Stories for Software Professionals: #31 Carrying Firewood to Put Out a Fire 抱薪救火
2022-11-14 Chinese Idiom Stories for Software Professionals: #32 One is willing to punish; the other is willing to accept 周瑜打黄盖,一个愿打,一个愿挨
2023-07-06 Chinese Idiom Stories for Software Professionals: #33 Easier Said Than Done 谈何容易
2022-09-17 Chinese Idiom Stories for Software Professionals: #33 The More, The Better 多多益善
2022-10-01 Chinese Idiom Stories for Software Professionals: #35 A bird startled by the mere twang of a bowstring (惊弓之鸟)
2022-11-17 CI/CD (Pipeline) Clarified
2022-11-17 CIO"s Agile/DevOps: The Emperor"s New Clothes
2023-08-21 Clarification on Publishing My Articles on SubStack and Vocal
2023-12-30 Clarity Does Not Necessarily Emerge Through Prolonged Debate
2022-11-16 Code Coverage with OpenClover for Java code in CI/CD
2022-11-15 Codeless Test Automation is Irrational
2023-08-14 Comments on the claims of "7 ways Cypress is different". All False, Wrong or Lie
2022-11-15 Continuous Integration Illustrated
2024-11-10 Continuous Testing Clarified
2023-04-03 Correct a Common Misconception: "Setting up Selenium is Complex and Time-Consuming" with a benchmark test.
2023-02-22 Correct a Common Misconception: "Using the Coding Language for End-to-End Test Automation"
2023-03-09 Correct two Common Misconceptions: End-to-End Test Automation is "Simple and Easy" or "Complex and Impossible"
2024-10-27 Correcting Wrong 'Playwright's Advantage over Selenium" Part 8: "Playwright UI Mode, CodeGen, VSCode plugin, Trace viewer"
2024-11-01 Correcting Wrong "Playwright"s Advantage over Selenium" Part 10: Frequent Releases
2024-02-10 Correcting Wrong "Playwright"s Advantage over Selenium" Part 2: "Playwright has Parallel Execution Support"
2024-02-13 Correcting Wrong "Playwright"s Advantage over Selenium" Part 3: "Playwright has Native Auto-Waiting Mechanism"
2024-10-25 Correcting Wrong "Playwright"s Advantage over Selenium" Part 5: "Playwright has native HTML Reporters".
2024-05-20 Correcting Wrong "Playwright"s Advantage over Selenium" Part 6: "Features Can Be Configured in One Configuration File"
2024-10-25 Correcting Wrong "Playwright"s Advantage over Selenium" Part 7: "Playwright supports a range of Testing Types, e.g. API Testing"
2024-10-29 Correcting Wrong "Playwright"s Advantage over Selenium" Part 9: "Playwright ARIA locator support"
2024-02-05 Correcting Wrong "Playwright"s Advantage over Selenium" Part 1: "Playwright is Modern and Faster than Selenium"
2024-02-15 Correcting Wrong "Playwright"s Advantage over Selenium" Part 4: "Playwright has a native test runner"
2023-06-10 Cowardly "Automated Testers" use "GUI Test Automation is hard" as an excuse to avoid, instead do only API Testing
2022-11-15 Crazy Web Test Automation: "Freedom Is Slavery"
2022-11-16 Creative Web Automation: Generate Ad-Free Study Notes
2022-11-16 Creative Web Automation: Generate User Guide with Automation Script
2022-11-15 Cross Browser Testing Clarified
2023-09-11 Cypress API Testing Makes No Sense
2022-11-14 Cypress Catches Up with Auto-Retry, but in a wrong way
2022-11-17 Cypress vs Selenium WebDriver Comparison by Example
2024-11-16 Cypress.io is Dying
2022-11-15 Data-Driven Testing Clarified
2023-09-27 Deconfuse E2E Test Automation for IT Executives
2022-11-15 Definition of End-to-End Test Automation Success
2022-11-14 Demo of Automated Testing for Windows Desktop App: TestWise tests TestWise
2022-11-15 Deploy Wisely with StackScript, Say No to Azure/AWS
2022-11-17 Developer and Tester Collaboration with Automated Testing
2024-11-20 Developers, you shouldn"t do Cypress Component Testing either.
2022-11-15 Developers: please stop using the term "Refactor" if you do not run a good suite of automated unit tests before and after the change
2022-11-17 DevOps Clarified
2024-08-22 Did CrowdStrike Learn the Lesson? I Don"t Think So
2022-11-14 Did You Push Software Updates into Production Yesterday?
2023-10-28 Doer vs. Talker in End-to-End Test Automation
2022-11-14 Draw on a Canvas using Selenium WebDriver
2022-11-14 Drive Chrome with Extensions using Selenium WebDriver
2023-03-20 Drive Google Map Address validation with Selenium WebDriver
2024-05-16 E2E Test Automation Anti-Pattern: Developer-Focused Approach. Part 1: It is Black-Box Testing!
2024-07-15 E2E Test Automation Anti-Pattern: Developer-Focused Approach. Part 2: Scripting Language, Frameworks and Tools
2024-07-28 E2E Test Automation Anti-Pattern: Developer-Focused Approach. Part 3: Most Developers Lack Proficiency in Test Automation
2024-10-09 E2E Test Automation Anti-Pattern: Developer-Focused Approach. Part 4: Hard to Steer Away even after it is Proved Wrong.
2023-12-11 E2E Test Automation Anti-Pattern: node_modules and package.json or alike
2023-12-05 E2E Test Automation Anti-Pattern: Semi-Automated Execution
2022-11-16 Email Testing Tip: Using One Email Account for Multiple Email Addresses
2022-11-15 Estimating Test Automation Story Points is a Total Waste of Time
2022-11-15 Estimating User Story Points is a Waste of Time
2022-11-15 Evil Mudslingings against Selenium WebDriver
2023-01-15 Execution Speed of Automated End-to-End (via UI) Testing Clarified
2024-11-23 Exit Strategy for Cypress Testers
2023-01-31 Expose a Common Lie, "Selenium is Flaky", Part 1: Selenium WebDriver is much more reliable than others.
2023-02-02 Expose a Common Lie, "Selenium is Flaky", Part 2: Clarify "automated waiting"
2022-11-15 Failed Tech Hype: SOAP Web Services
2022-11-15 Fake Code Review with "LGTM"
2022-11-15 Fake End-to-End Test Automation Clarified
2022-11-16 Fake Your GeoLocation in Web Test Automation

2023-04-28 Fakes vs (Stubs & Mocks) in Software Integration Testing
2022-11-14 False "Selenium WebDriver Cons"
2024-01-24 FAQ for the Survey Results: Selenium WebDriver is the Choice for Web Test Automation in 2024
2022-12-20 Finally, A TestWise (Functional Testing IDE) Competitor
2024-09-06 Formal Code Review Process and Collective Code Ownership
2023-06-18 Formal Code Review Process is No Good
2023-11-28 Forward Compatibility
2022-11-13 Free Test Automation Practice Site with Database Reset
2024-02-28 From First Selenium Test at the Age of 12 to Published Author: My Daughter"s Ten-Year Journey in E2E Test Automation
2022-11-15 Full-Stack Software Engineer Clarified
2022-11-15 Functional Test Refactoring: Extract Function
2023-03-23 Functional Test Refactoring: Extract Page Function
2022-11-13 Functional Test Refactoring: Introduction
2022-11-18 Functional Test Refactoring: Move
2022-11-18 Functional Test Refactoring: Move to Helper
2024-05-29 Getting Started with E2E Test Automation is Quick, Mastering it Takes Time and Efforts.
2023-08-10 Good News! Free eBooks for Paid Subscribers
2022-11-15 Headless Browser Testing Clarified
2023-12-02 How Could New Automation Frameworks be Worse than Raw Selenium WebDriver?
2023-10-23 How did my daughter get her first job at FAANG?
2024-10-03 How do I OverCome the E2E Test Automation Challenges Posted in DHH"s Article?
2022-12-01 How do I Start Test Automation on Day 1 of Onboarding a Software Project?
2022-11-15 How to avoid hCaptcha with Selenium WebDriver?
2022-11-14 How to Expose Fake UI Test Automation in Fake Agile companies?
2022-11-16 How to Fix "Element is not clickable" in Selenium WebDriver tests?
2022-11-15 How to Implement Real Automated Regression Testing?
2023-11-09 How to Learn Web Test Automation in a Matter of Hours?
2024-08-21 How to Manage Mobile App Deployment in Continuous Testing E2E Mobile Test Automation? *
2022-11-15 How to Rescue a Failed Test Automation?
2024-03-12 How to Succeed in E2E Test Automation within a Team Already on a Wrong Path?
2023-09-18 I Just Had a 2.5-month Vacation, Feeling Truly Free for the First Time.
2024-06-14 If AI Could Really Do Real E2E Test Automation, What Would You (Software Engineer in Test) Do for Living?
2022-11-17 In-Sprint Test Automation Clarified
2022-11-16 Interacting with Databases in Automated Functional Test Scripts
2022-11-14 Irrational and False Excuses for Web Test Automation Failures
2023-01-06 Is Test Automation Still in High Demand? You Bet!
2022-11-15 Is Your Test Automation on Track? Maintenance is the key
2024-03-07 It is Wrong to Have Await and Promises in E2E Automated Test Scripts
2023-09-17 It Seems Most "Cypress Ambassadors" Don"t Love Cypress as They Claimed
2024-01-14 JAL Reminds the World of the Importance of Regular Staff Training
2024-02-03 JavaScript Web Test Automation Framework Rankings in JavaScript Rising Stars
2022-11-17 Katalon Codeless Test Automation vs Selenium WebDriver by Example
2024-08-03 Laws in Software Development: 80/20 Rule in E2E Test Automation
2024-09-25 Laws in Software Development: The Broken Windows Theory in E2E Test Automation and Continuous Testing
2024-08-12 Laws of Software Development: Murphy"s Law in Software Testing
2024-10-12 Laws of Software Development: Sturgeon"s Law in E2E Test Automation and Continuous Testing
2022-11-14 Lessons Learned from Test Failures due to a new ChromeDriver Bug
2023-03-12 Locating a Web Element that disappears after Inspect
2024-10-30 M4 Mac Mini: A Perfect Build Machine for E2E Test Automation Labs
2024-11-22 M4 Mac Mini's Improvement over M1 As a Server
2024-11-27 Mac Mini M4 over M1 for Software Development Engineers
2022-11-16 MailCatcher in Docker
2022-11-13 Maintainable Automated Test Design
2023-05-02 Make the world a better place by adding "End-to-End (via UI) Test Automaton" in the software contract
2023-08-21 Micro-ISV 01: Is Micro-ISV or a one-man software shop possible to succeed?
2023-12-19 Monolith vs Microservices , a New Perspective
2022-11-13 My Article Series
2022-11-15 My Continuous Testing Journey
2022-11-13 My Featured Articles
2024-01-22 My Innovative Solution to Continuous Testing: Auto-Retry
2022-11-17 My Innovative Solution to Continuous Testing: Parallel Automated End-to-End Test Execution
2023-01-12 My Innovative Solution to Load Testing: Run Selenium Tests (in real browsers) in a CT Server with Parallel Execution for better Load Testing
2022-11-17 My Innovative Solution to Software Development: Versioned Database Migration
2022-11-17 My Innovative Solution to Test Automation: "The Simpsons" Data Reset Pattern
2022-11-13 My Innovative Solution to Test Automation: Attach test execution to the existing browser
2024-08-08 My Innovative Solution to Test Automation: Debug Automated E2E Web Test Scripts Intuitively and Proficiently
2022-11-17 My Innovative Solution to Test Automation: Keep the Browser Open after Executing an Individual Test
2022-11-17 My Innovative Solution to Test Automation: Run the same test against a different browser at a click of a button
2022-11-17 My Innovative Solution to Test Automation: Run the same test against a different server with a click of a button
2022-12-07 My Innovative Solution to Test Automation: TestWise, the Next-Gen Functional Testing IDE
2024-09-13 My Journey into the World of Performance and Load Testing
2022-11-13 My Most Viewed Articles
2022-12-21 My secret of near 100% interview success on Test Automation Engineer roles
2024-06-19 My Simple Approach to App Health Check with Automation
2022-11-14 My Test Automation Journey
2023-10-10 My Universal, High-Efficient and Free Approach to API Testing
2024-01-16 New Year"s Resolutions for Fake Automated Testers: Do Real End-to-end Test Automation
2022-09-27 No "Bug-Free" Programmers; Top Programmers spend 50+% Effort on Test Automation
2024-01-12 One Decision I Wish I had made Earlier: "Not Working for Others on Wednesdays."
2024-08-29 One Lesson for My Daughter By Allowing Her to Buy a Useless Hyped Product Influenced by Social Media
2022-11-16 Optimize Selenium WebDriver Automated Test Scripts: Maintainability
2022-11-15 Optimize Selenium WebDriver Automated Test Scripts: Readability
2022-11-13 Optimize Selenium WebDriver Automated Test Scripts: Speed
2023-04-19 Page Object Model is universally applicable in web test automation
2022-11-14 Performance Comparison: Selenium Ruby, Python, and JavaScript (Node.js)
2023-01-09 Playwright vs Selenium Speed Comparison
2022-12-24 Playwright vs Selenium WebDriver Syntax Comparison by Example
2022-11-15 Playwright with Mocha against Chrome browser
2022-11-14 Please, Not Another Web Test Automation Framework, Just Use Raw Selenium WebDriver
2022-11-16 Poor Software Load Testing Can Cause Many People Misery
2022-11-15 Practical DDT: Randomized data scenarios in one automated test script + Continuous Testing
2022-11-16 Print Style Sheet and Export a Webpage to PDF in Selenium WebDriver
2022-10-03 Print Style Sheet and Export a Webpage to PDF in Selenium WebDriver
2022-11-15 Programming Language Advice to My Daughter, Part 1: Ruby
2022-11-15 Protractor, another Automation Framework I rightly avoided, is being Deprecated
2023-05-20 Protractor.js is dead, What did we learn?
2024-11-18 QA Engineers, Stay Out of Cypress Component Testing, for Your Own Sake!
2024-09-19 Questioning "If It Ain"t Broke, Don"t Fix It" in Software Development
2024-08-19 Real End-to-End UI Automated Regression Testing: The Best Weapon for Addressing Technical Debt
2022-11-13 Recommend a Great CI/DevOps Presentation: "Continuous Integration at Facebook"
2023-03-02 Record/Playback in Test Automation is Bad, mostly.
2022-11-13 Reflections of Software I Created in My Spare Time Since 2006
2024-11-08 Reflections on "Selenium's 20-Year Birthday"
2022-11-13 Reflections on Internet Explorer
2024-08-30 Reflections on Reading a Cypress Tester"s Confession
2024-11-26 Reflections: Software Industry Really Lacks Testing and Engineering Culture
2022-11-15 Regression Testing Clarified
2022-11-16 Repurposing Automated Scripts for Live Demonstrations
2023-12-07 Respond to a Disagreement Article, "Fact check: Is Cypress Really Dying?"
2023-04-16 Responsiveness Testing with Selenium WebDriver
2022-11-17 Robotic Process Automation (RPA) Clarified
2022-11-16 Ruby Programming Exercises #1: Printing out Shapes
2023-07-10 Script-less Automated End-to-End Testing is Silly, Doomed to Fail!
2022-12-17 Select a date in a DatePicker with Selenium WebDriver
2022-11-15 Selenium 4 Chrome DevTools Examples
2022-11-14 Selenium 4 New Features by Examples in Ruby
2022-11-15 Selenium 4 Relative Locator Examples
2022-11-15 Selenium vs X, Y, Z, …, all these years
2024-01-10 Selenium WebDriver is Still the Best Web Test Automation Framework in 2024
2022-11-13 Selenium WebDriver is the Easiest-to-Learn Web Test Automation Framework
2022-11-15 Selenium WebDriver Recipes in Ruby 4th Edition is released
2023-08-24 Selenium WebDriver vs. Playwright in a Nutshell
2022-11-14 Set Up a Continuous Testing Server to Run Selenium Tests in Minutes
2023-09-30 Set up and Develop Selenium WebDriver RSpec Test Scripts with TestWise IDE
2023-04-05 Set up and Run Selenium C# Tests in Visual Studio Code on macOS
2022-12-10 Set up Appium 2 to Run XCUITest (for iOS)
2023-06-21 Set up BuildWise CT Server Step by Step
2023-10-07 Set up Running Java Selenium Tests in BuildWise CT Server
2022-11-14 ShowCase: Great Software Development Productivity with Real UI Test Automation & Continuous Testing
2024-01-04 Side Hustle Clarified
2022-11-14 Simple Solution to Embarrassing Collapses of Census Website due to Poor Load Testing
2023-06-03 Software Complexity Assessment
2022-11-15 Software Design Pattern By Example: Singleton
2022-11-15 Software Design Pattern By Example: Strategy
2022-11-15 Software Design Pattern By Example: Template Method
2022-11-14 Software Development Trend Continuous Testing
2022-12-29 Software Engineer: Permanent or Contractor?
2022-11-17 Software QA Engineers: "One of the Happiest Jobs in the USA"
2024-09-27 Software Side Hustle Anti-Pattern: Creating Something You Wouldn"t Use Daily Yourself
2023-04-09 SSH Login Without Password on Windows for Continuous Testing
2023-01-23 Story: "What is the Most Challenging in E2E Test Automation?"
2024-02-22 Strategies for Achieving Financial Freedom as a Software Engineer. Part 1: Working at a Promising Software Company with Share Options as a Loyal Employee
2024-03-17 Strategies for Achieving Financial Freedom as a Software Engineer. Part 2: Micro-ISV or Start-up Founder
2022-11-17 Struts => Spring; Angular => React. Why hasn"t web developers" productivity increased much over the last two decades?
2024-10-23 Sturgeon"s Law. Part 2: How to Beat it?
2024-09-21 Subtle Reasons that Fake Test Automation Engineers like Headless Browser Testing
2022-11-15 Successful Windows Desktop App Test Automation with Appium
2022-11-30 Team Considerations in Choosing Automated Test Scripting Language, Why Ruby is much better than JavaScript?
2022-11-23 Test AJAX Properly and Efficiently with Selenium WebDriver, and Avoid "Automated Waiting"
2022-11-15 Test Automation and Continuous Testing Competition Week
2022-11-15 Test Automation Camel, a metaphor that explains why most test automation attempts failed?
2022-09-21 Test Automation Clarified
2022-09-15 Test Automation Coexists Well with Manual Testing
2023-05-28 Test Automation Skills Can be only Acquired by Hands-On Doing It.
2023-02-14 Test Creation Only Account for ~10% of Web Test Automation Efforts
2023-11-18 Test Design is Mostly Unnecessary in E2E UI Test Automation
2022-11-15 Test SOAP Web Services Effectively, Easily and Freely
2022-12-09 Testing Center of Excellence Clarified
2022-11-14 Testing Emails in Automated Test Scripts with a Fake SMTP server: MailCatcher
2022-11-21 Testing GraphQL APIs
2022-11-28 Testing GraphQL APIs, Part 2: Run frequently in a Continuous Testing Server
2022-11-13 Testing Pyramid Clarified
2022-11-16 Testing RESTful Service in Ruby, Part 2: Run frequently in a Continuous Testing Server
2022-11-16 Testing RESTful Services, Part 1: Test Creation
2023-12-28 TestWise 7 is Released
2023-03-27 TestWise: "Run selected steps against the current browser"
2024-09-01 The "#1 Cypress Ambassador" Is Now Open to Finding Playwright Jobs
2024-05-01 The Benefits of Standards apply to E2E Test Automation, too.
2023-01-25 The Benefits of Using WebDriver, a W3C standard, in Test Automation
2023-09-23 The Importance of Passive Income
2024-04-24 The Joy of Small Passive Income
2024-07-24 The Power of Role Models
2023-07-16 The Real Software Development Velocity is Mostly Decided by the Testing Capability, not Coding.
2022-11-16 The Rises and Falls of Ruby on Rails and AngularJS
2022-11-15 There is no "100% coverage" in Automated E2E Software Testing
2023-12-22 Thoughts After my "Popular" LinkedIn Post About Fake Automated Testing
2023-06-13 Three Big Fat Lies about Selenium WebDriver: "Not Reliable", "Hard to Learn", and "No Enterprise-Level Support"
2024-04-29 Tim Ferriss, the world"s most famous life coach, advises learning coding to automate!
2024-11-14 Too Many Failed JavaScript Test Automation Frameworks!
2024-03-02 Try the Awarding-Winning BuildWise Live on the TestWisely Platform
2023-02-25 Two Simple Reasons that ChatGPT (AI) Won"t Work in End-to-End Test Automation
2023-09-20 Unable to E2E Automated Testing Most User Stories? You Haven"t Tried Hard Enough. Part 1
2024-11-09 Unboxing and Benchmarking M4 Mac Mini as a Test Automation Engineer. Part-1: Setup and Results
2024-11-11 Unboxing and Benchmarking M4 Mac Mini as Test Automation Engineer. Part-2: Analyse & Suggestions *
2023-09-09 Understanding the Components of End-to-End Test Automation and My Practical Suggestions
2022-11-13 Unit Testing Clarified
2022-11-14 Upgrade 500 Selenium v3 tests to Selenium v4, Easy!
2024-11-13 Upgrade WhenWise to Rails 8. Following 3 Rounds of Full Automated E2E (UI) Regression Testing, Deploy to Production (All in ~3 hours)
2022-11-17 Use Advanced User Interactions in Selenium WebDriver to Drive Keyboard and Mouse
2022-11-15 Use ModHeader Extension to Pass Single-Sign-On Page in Selenium Tests
2022-11-15 Use Regular Expressions in Test Automation
2022-11-14 Use UI Automation to Assist Agile Showcases
2022-11-15 User Story Card Clarified
2022-11-16 Verify a Dynamic Chart in Selenium WebDriver
2022-11-14 Web Automation Framework Trend Selenium WebDriver
2023-12-26 What Does it Take to Become a Real E2E Test Automation Engineer? Part 1-A: Broad Knowledge
2023-12-26 What Does it Take to Become a Real E2E Test Automation Engineer? Part 1-B: Broad Knowledge
2023-12-26 What Does it Take to Become a Real E2E Test Automation Engineer? Part 1-C: Broad Knowledge
2024-05-31 What Does it Take to Become a Real E2E Test Automation Engineer? Part 2: Willingness to Learn
2024-05-12 What Happened to ThoughtWorks?
2023-01-04 What is my Agile Way? Production Deployment within the first week, then every working day
2024-06-22 What is The Target of Your CI/CD Pipeline?
2024-04-04 What Makes My Articles Unique? Part 1: Originally for my daughter and myself.
2024-07-05 What Makes My Articles Unique? Part 2: Not Striving to be a Techfluencer
2024-10-18 What Work Can I Do as an Independent "Digital Nomad"?
2022-11-14 WhenWise Regression Test Suite Reaches 500 Selenium tests and ~300K Test Executions
2022-11-13 Which Selenium WebDriver Language Binding is the Best?
2022-11-14 Which Selenium WebDriver locator is faster?
2024-11-25 While I don"t do Free Test Automation Coaching, Motivated Testers Can Still Get Nearly-Free Help if They Are Really Serious About Test Automation
2023-10-14 Why "Test Replay" in E2E Test Automation is Not Useful in Real Agile Projects? Part 1
2023-10-14 Why "Test Replay" in E2E Test Automation is Not Useful in Real Agile Projects? Part 2
2024-03-21 Why Are Good Writing Skills Important for Good Software Engineers?
2024-07-07 Why are Unit/Integration Testing and API Testing Not Enough for Real Agile?
2022-11-13 Why Auto-Retry of Test Execution in a Test Framework is Wrong?
2022-11-13 Why Cypress Sucks for Real Test Automation?
2024-11-06 Why Cypress Sucks for Real Test Automation? (Part 2: Limitations)
2024-06-30 Why did ThoughtWorks develop Twist, a non-Selenium E2E testing tool that ultimately failed, despite taking pride in its contributions to the creation of Selenium?
2023-07-13 Why do CIOs fear "Test Automation" as much as they want it?
2022-11-17 Why do I prefer Selenium (Ruby) over Watir?
2023-10-17 Why Do Many Highly Hyped Technologies/Processes, e.g. Docker, Fail?
2022-11-14 Why Do Most UI Test Automation Fail? (Part 1: Wrong Automation Framework)
2022-11-16 Why Do Most UI Test Automation Fail? (Part 2: Wrong Choice of Test Syntax Framework)
2022-11-17 Why Do Most UI Test Automation Fail? (Part 3: Wrong Scripting Language)
2023-05-16 Why do Test Managers/Architects Avoid Selenium WebDriver, the Best Web Test Automation Framework?
2023-05-24 Why Does Some Failed Test Automation Require a Specific Firefox Version?
2022-11-14 Why Don"t I Use Defect Tracking? No Need, I do real Continuous Testing.
2023-12-17 Why Fake Automated Testers and Software Test Architects Love "Headless Browser Testing"?
2022-11-13 Why Gherkin (Cucumber, SpecFlow,…) Always Failed with UI Test Automation?
2022-11-14 Why I Created a Selenium Recorder But Rarely Use it myself?
2022-11-24 Why I don"t use Jira and Confluence at all for my software development?
2023-10-02 Why I Don"t Use Selenium-Grid?
2022-12-15 Why I don"t use Test Management Tools at all?
2024-07-19 Why I Encourage My Daughter to Pursue Information Technology as a Career?
2022-11-16 Why I Switched my day work from Programming to Automated Testing Part 3: Too Productive to Continue working as a Programmer
2022-11-15 Why I Switched my day work from Programming to Automated Testing? Part 1: More Challenging
2022-11-16 Why I Switched my day work from Programming to Automated Testing? Part 2: More Fun
2022-11-16 Why I Switched my day work from Programming to Automated Testing? Part 4: Better Career(s)
2022-11-15 Why I"m no longer Speaking at Software Testing Conferences?
2022-11-15 Why is Object Identification GUI Utility in Test Automation Unnecessary?
2023-05-05 Why is Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe) Wrong?
2022-11-13 Why JavaScript Is Not a Suitable Language for Real Web Test Automation?
2024-11-15 Why Most Software Teams' Regression Testing Are Not Real? *
2022-09-23 Why new-to-automation testers should learn UI Test Automation in Ruby first?
2023-07-28 Why Raw Selenium Syntax is Better than Cypress and Playwright? Part 1: WebDriver is a W3C Standard and its Success is well Established
2023-08-04 Why Raw Selenium Syntax is better than Cypress and Playwright? Part 2: The Audience Matters
2023-08-07 Why Raw Selenium Syntax is better than Cypress and Playwright? Part 3: Accurate, Intuitive, Consistent, and Geniously Designed
2022-11-15 Why Recording Videos for Automated Test Execution in Test Scripts is Wrong?
2024-09-15 Why RSpec Is the Best Test Syntax Framework for End-to-End Test Automation?
2023-07-29 Why Ruby is the Best Scripting Language for End-to-End Test Automation?
2023-07-19 Why Scripting Languages are Better for Writing Automated End-to-End Tests? Part 1
2023-07-24 Why Scripting Languages are Better for Writing Automated End-to-End Tests? Part 2
2022-11-15 Why Selenium WebDriver is So Easy to Learn?
2024-11-07 Why Software Testing is Not Effective in Most Software Teams?
2022-11-15 Why Test Automation Tool with Runtime License is Evil?
2023-06-08 Why Training ChatGPT Won"t Get Good Results in Test Automation?
2024-11-21 Why Visual Regression Testing is Wrong, Mostly?
2022-11-14 With a Good Continuous Testing Process, You Can Get "GOOD & CHEAP & FAST" in Software Development
2022-11-14 Working Automated Test Good Reliable Test
2023-05-31 Writing Your First Complete Appium Test
2022-11-14 XP (eXtreme Programming) is better than Scrum, as XP defined DevOps 20 years ago

521 published articles in total.