TestWise 1.6 released

By mark.


TestWise 1.6 introduced many new features and enhancements, check it out!

Also there is minor update to TestWise 1.5.6 community edition to support unicode, RWebSpec v1.4.0.2 and TestWise/Watir recorder v1.1.1.

There are also updates to the documentations, particularly ‘Productivity’ section.

TestWise in the news

TestWise Tips - Capture web pages from test execution

By mark.

Quite often, testers/developers want to capture web pages from executing automated test cases. There are a number reasons (or benefits):

  • Manual Inspection / Verification
  • Capture application error text or stack traces
  • Check or looking for certain text (such as payment receipt number, then reconcile manually)
  • Auditing

By using TestWise, you can do it effortlessly if using Page Objects (ie. if you are new to it, please have a look at this paper)

1. Before test execution, open the preferences dialog box, enable the ‘Dump page sources while running the specs’

2. After test execution completes, the camera alike button will be available (bottom-left), Click it.

3. Here you can see text view of each page captured.

4. To get a better view of page, click ‘Open in browser’ button.

PRoR-191 preview: Watir on Ruby 1.9.1

By mark.

The long waiting One-Click Ruby Installer for Windows is coming closer, it's first preview release has been available over 2 months now. Based on it, we packaged a preview release of PRoR with Jari Bakken's fork of Watir for Ruby 1.9.1.

You can download it here, WARNING: this is a preview software.

Here is comparison of running a fairly complex 3-minute Watir test case using two versions of PRoR-191 and PRoR-186.

Ruby 1.9.1 (mingw32)

C:\sandobx>ruby -v
ruby 1.9.1p129 (2009-05-12 revision 23412) [i386-mingw32]

C:\sandobx>spec -fs lodgement_spec.rb
loading win32ole from stdlib on 1.9
Loading pages ...Cost: 1.640552
 - [Story 123] A complete end-to-end test happy case
Finished in 171.78125 seconds

Ruby 1.8.6 (mswin32)

C:\sandobx>ruby -v
ruby 1.8.6 (2008-03-03 patchlevel 114) [i386-mswin32]

C:\sandobx>spec -fs lodgement_spec.rb
Loading pages ...Cost: 0.656
 - [Story 123] A complete end-to-end test happy case
Finished in 174.983 seconds

Here are some observations:

  • No noticeable performance differences, as expected, as test execution time is most depend on web application server response time and browser rendering time.
  • Page class loading time (Ruby's require/load classes) using Ruby 1.9 is longer than in Ruby 1.8.6
  • close_others (Watir) does not work

July releases round-up

By mark.

rWebUnit 1.3.1

The stylesheets, javascripts and image references in dumped html source are now substituted with absolute URL for better viewing.

TestWise 1.5.x

TestWise 1.5 introduced many new features particularly in refactorings and windows CHM help, checkout ChangeLog for details.

PRoR 186-v20

Gem upgrades: rWebUnit 1.3.1, win32 utils, fastercsv 1.5, prawn 0.5, ...

And many updates to the documentations.

CITCON 2009 Brisbane

By mark.

I attended the CITCON 2009 Brisbane (Continuous Integration and Testing Conference) over the weekend. It is a quite good one, the format Open Space is particularly interesting.

For my impression, this is a programmer/geek oriented conference, many Apple MacBooks, a lot of twittering. A lot of mentioning of 'Java', 'Groovy', and 'Ruby'.

Why Java (or C#) is not suitable as a functional testing language?

By mark.

One key difference between automated functional test scripts and application code is their target audience. The application code is developed and maintained by programmers, while the test scripts may be developed, executed and maintained by testers, developers, business analysts and even customers (_this backed by the fact TestWise is the most used software product for projects I know using it_).

The fact is that testers, business analysts and customers generally do not possess strong programming skills, and this changes the whole paradigm. It is not hard to imagine that a 85MB download of Eclipse (a Java IDE), configuration of library path and JDK path will do to a non tech-savy tester as the first chapter of automated testing orientation program. And you might hear screaming minutes later: "What does 'compiler error' mean?".

I believe automated tests shall use interpreted/scripting languages (such as Ruby) instead of compiled languages (such as Java), maybe that's why they are called "test scripts". And as a functional test script language, it should have following characteristics:

  • easy to learn,
  • no compilation required,
  • non proprietary,
  • concise, readable syntax,
  • extensible syntax to use domain specific language,
  • and ideally, one operation per line

Read full article

TestWise Community Edition

By mark.

The Community Edition is a complete product freely for personal use, and commercial use for up to 5 copies of software in one company or organization.

It does not have features used in project teams such as running tests against different environments, custom test suite, version control and reporting.

Productivity Guide - Snippets

By mark.

Snippets in TestWise IDE are little bits of text (abbrev.) that expand full test script statements. For example,

pssi     page_source.should_include(“TEXT“)

Press Ctrl + J, you will see a full list of snippets available, and it narrows down as you type.

Test Suites

By mark.

The term “Test Suite” in TestWise means a selected group of test files, this function (introduced since v1.2.2) gives you more controls over running tests, that is

  • individual test cases
  • all test cases in a test file
  • all test case in selected test files
  • all test cases in test files under selected folder To create a new test suite or edit existing one, select “Edit Configuration” in the drop down list on toolbar.

A window like this will show up to allow adding, removing or editing test suite. To run a test suite, click the drop down list (in the toolbar) to select it, then click


You might notice the “Run at line” button is disabled once a test suite is chosen, as it it not applicable. Select ‘Current File’ will enable it again.