Practical Web Test Automation 2nd edition

By Zhimin Zhan.

I started writing Practical Web Test Automation (PWTA) book in early 2011. The situation was different.

  • IE has over 60% browser market (Chrome was just released)
  • Selenium WebDriver wasn't not released yet

Now Chrome dominates in browsers and Selenium WebDriver dominates web testing, no questions about it. The first editions of PWTA uses RWebSpec, an extension of Watir. In later revisions, I added a chapter for Selenium WebDriver.

For the second edition, I changed sample projects to Selenium WebDriver, as a result, a large percentage of screenshots and test scripts updated. But the essence of the book: maintainble test design and test refactoring remains. I even added more examples of applying these techniques to Watir, RWebSpec and Capybara.

The print version of 2nd edition shall be available next month. If you already purchased the 1st edition of Leanpub ebook, you can get this update free.

TestWise 5 is released

By Zhimin Zhan.

I am happy to announce that TestWise 5 is released. One key feature of TestWise 5 is that users now have the flexibility to use any Gems in your test scripts with the full control of managing gems

Select menu 'Tools' -> 'Show Ruby Gems' or

Debug test cases while running a continuous testing build

By Zhimin Zhan.

During a continuous testing build, which runs all your regression tests in continuous testing server such as BuildWise, it is a good idea to start debugging failed test cases as soon as they are defected. For example

If you are using…

Run TestWise Mac on El Capitan

By Zhimin Zhan.

TestWise Mac requires Ruby 1.8. Apple did not include Ruby 1.8 from OS X El Capitan (since Yoesmite).   Furthermore, Apple introduced rootless mode (also known as System Integrity Protection) by default, which prevent you from change…

Responding help seeking requests

By Zhimin Zhan.

Now and then (sometimes a lot), people contact me seeking help on test automation problems, such as

  • I want to test ..., but got error, can you have a look my attached test script
  • My test script works on Chrome, but not firefox

Run Selenium WebDriver tests against new Edge browser in TestWise

By Zhimin Zhan.

Windows 10 is out, this time, with new Edge browser to replace IE. Yes, Microsoft will provide WebDriver support for Edge, it is called Microsoft WebDriver.  For testers who can't wait, you can try out in TestWise v4.3 with experimental Edge support (bundled selenium-webdriver 2.47.1). 

Just change the driver type to :edge

@driver = Selenium::WebDriver.for(:edge)

Yes,  I think TestWise looks better in Windows 10 with thin borders.

Import JIRA story and description into test case in TestWise

By Zhimin Zhan.

When a tester starts working on a new test task, the very first thing is to get to know the requirement (or User Story). This post shows how to import a user story from JIRA  (widely used in project as the agile project management tool) into