TestWise IDE
Next Generation Functional Testing Tool
3.14.3 (2014-06-13)
- [Upgrade] RWebSpec 5.3 (support ActiveSupport 4)
3.14.2 (2014-06-01)
- [Upgrade] Selenium WebDriver 2.14.2
- [Upgrade] ChromeDriver 2.10
- [New] add Gem "uuid"
3.14 (2014-03-21)
- [Feature] Only use specification naming convention, tests under spec folder (works with NetBeans and Aptana)
- [Update] All sample test projects
- [Feature] Ignore folders start with '.' by default
- [Feature] Detect Watir-WebDriver project when TestWise is not in the watir-webdriver mode
- [New] Add aws-s3 gem
- [Enhancement] debug in testwise_support.rb will puts message when not run in TestWise
- [Change] Subscription license works on Mac
- [Enhancement] Filter out unnecessary stack trace lines (in HTML view)
- [Enhancement] Expand 'features' and 'spec' on opening project
- [Fixes] excessive tmp_syntax.feature in excluded files
3.12.10 (2014-02-24)
- [Upgrade] Selenium-WebDriver 2.40
- [Upgrade] ChildProcess 0.5.1, Watir-WebDriver 0.6.8
- [Upgrade] New chrome drivers
- RWebSpec Snippet sna add {}
3.12.9 (2014-01-21)
- [Fixes] File uploads in frames
- [Fixes] Load watir extension on watir-webdriver mode
- [Upgrade] ChildProcess 0.4
3.12.7 (2014-01-16)
- [Fix] File upload issue with Watir
- [Enhancement] Cucumber execution on feature file in a folder under 'features'
3.12.5 (2014-01-09)
- [Upgrade] RWebSpec 5.0.3
- [Upgrade] Selenium-WebDriver 2.39
- [Fix] Verifying git/svn path with new ChildProcess gem
- [Upgrade] Cucumber 1.3
- [Fix] Crash on non-english version
3.12.0 (2013-11-26)
- [Upgrade] RWebSpec 5.0.2
- [Upgrade] Selenium-WebDriver 2.37
- [Enhancement] JIRA Integration
3.11.0 (2013-10-14)
- [Upgrade] Watir 5
- [Upgrade] RWebSpec 5
3.10.0 (2013-09-15)
- [Enhancement] Centring Rename Function
- [Enhancement] Make extract page class dialog wider
- [Enhancement] Make extract function dialog wider
- [Upgrade] Ruby 1.8.7 p374
- [Upgrade] Selenium 2.35.1, RAutomation 0.12
- [Enhancement] On extracting a new page, refresh all page classes cache (faster than refresh all)
- [Enhancement] New Snippet: eti
- [Enhancement] Copy file dialog, wider and normalized path for windows
- [Change] Disable Testwise settings' trust_ca, which is used for httpclient testing
- [Fixes] Update copyright year in about dialog
- [Enhancement] [Refactoring] Wider extract to function, extract page function dialog
- [Enhancement] [Refactoring] Detect Watir text_field.set without (), and select_list.select
- [Enhancement] [Refactoring] Move refactoring dialog not centered
3.9.2 (2013-08-07)
- [Change] Re-enable tips on start up
- [Upgrade] RWebSpec 4.3.5, support HTML5 input elements, fixed uncheck checkbox with same hidden element name, some assertion methods
- [Upgrade] Faker 1.2, httpclient, spreadsheet
- [Enhancement] [Mac] Expand toolbar combo to show full text 'Current file'
- [Enhancement] [Mac] Expand run panel the execution status label 'Running 1 of ..'
- [Enhancement] More library templates for selenium and assertion on combo box
3.9 (2013-07-15)
- [Upgrade] Ruby 1.8.7p371
- [Upgrade] Selenium-WebDriver 2.33
- [Change] Default installation Program Menu 'AgileWay'
- [New] Refactoring introduce page object will allow user to select page class then pre-append page object
- [Feature] script/add_gem.rb to easy add new gems to TestWise
- [Feature] TestWise Win support IE, Firefox, Chrome when test project is Selenium-WebDriver
- [Feature] RWebSpec project, support all browsers
- [Enhancement] Don't preload rwebspec, let execution to load rwebpsec
- [Feature] Runtime switch between Watir and Selenium framework
- [Enhancement] Don't show warning of switching test framework in RWebSpec
- [Enhancement] For selenium-power tests, if no browser started from test, Run Selected test will given warning.
- [Upgrade] ChromeDriver v2.1, support chrome v28-30
- [Upgrade] RWebSpec 4.3
3.8 (2013-04-11)
- [Upgrade] selenium-webdriver 2.32
- [New] ruby-odbc gem in pro version
3.7.1 (2013-03-25)
- [Feature] Show execution line indicator for Watir+RSpec project
- [Upgrade] win32screenshot 1.0.8, watir-classic 3.6
- [Change] Change default installation folder: c:\agileway\TestWise
3.6 (2013-03-08)
- [Upgrade] Selenium 2.31, RWebSpec 4.1.7
- [Upgrade] RWebSpec 4.2, dropping ‘test’ as the test case start keyword, using ‘test_case’ instead
- [Upgrade] Latest IE Chrome Driver 2.31
- [Enhancement] Support latest RSpec 2.13, no longer fixed with RSpec 2.10.0
- [Upgrade] Bundled ffi 1.4, Rautomation 0.8
3.5.2 (2013-02-22)
- [Fixes] loading selenium extension in executor to enable debugging Selenium tests
- [Upgrade] Selenium 2.30, RWebSpec 4.1.7
3.5.1 (2013-02-17)
- [Upgrade] RWebSpec 4.1.6
- [Enhancement] Easy switch between Watir classic and Watir-WebDriver
3.5 (2013-01-21)
- [Upgrade] RWebSpec 4.1.2, change openbrowser(url) => openbrowser(:base_url => “http://site.com”)
- [Upgrade] Selenium 2.29
- [Change] Revert evaludation days to 30
- [Change] Upgrade watir-classic 3.4, changes to close_other browsers for Watir
3.4 (2012-12-24)
- [Upgrade] Selenium-WebDriver 2.27.2, WatirWebDriver 0.6.2
- [Upgrade] Selenium IE Driver 2.28
- [Upgrade] RWebSpec 4.0.2
- [Enhancement] on TestWise Mac, sometimes the project item is not responding, adding warning message
3.3 (2012-12-06)
- [Feature] RWebSpec 4 support, flexible running RWebSpec against different browsers
- [Enhancement] Readable format of test script
- [Enhancement] Ctrl+J no showing parent bundle snippets, while still auto-complete parent snippets
- [Fixes] code reformatter: not indenting correctly when use refactoring
- [Fixes] New Project Dialog on Mac, setting \ after selecting project folder
- [Upgrade] r18n-desktop-1.1.3, mail-2.5.3, ffi-1.2 for Mac
3.2 (2012-11-10)
- [Fixes] If installed TW Pro and open cucumber project, can’t open TW Community
- [Fixes] Add parameter dialog wrong hint/tooltip
- [Feature] StoryWise integration: passing access token
- [Feature] Escape completion is distance aware
- [Feature] Subscription license
- [Upgrade] Watir 4, Selenium 2.26
- [Upgrade] ChromeDriver and IEDriver
- [Upgrade] TestWise Recorder 1.5
- [Mac] prevent saving window lastsize’s height too big (basemain_frame.rb)
3.1.4 (2012-09-06)
- [Enhancement] Minor refinement on toolbars
- [Enhancement] Tidy up selenium snippets and script library for Selenium
3.1.3 (2012-09-03)
- [Upgrade] RWebSpec-WebDriver 0.5.1
- [Enhancement] Show accurate ruby syntax error (maually or background checks)
- [Feature] Add option (default true) to save editors on executing tests
- [Enhancement] Add title to Syntax error dialog
- [Enhancement] RWebspec snippets text and indenting
- [Enhancement] [Cucumber] Refactored execution and filter Cucumber AST output out
3.1.2 (2012-08-13)
- [Feature] support RSpec 2.10+ (no spec)
- [Feature] Tag support (part of RSpec 2): run tests in tags
- [Feature] Support watir-webdriver
- [Feature] Include RWebSpec utils in pure Watir/Selenium RSpec tests
- [Feature] Debugging for Selenium tests: reuse current browser to run selected test steps
- [Feature] Better TestWise integration in pure Watir/Selenium RSpec tests
- [Feature] Include RWebSpec utils in pure Watir/Selenium Cucumber tests
- [Feature] Can write debug message to console window in Cucumber project
- [Feature] Support running data csv, showing execution indication in grid
- [Feature] Support ‘breakpoint’ in raw selenium-webdriver tests
- [Feature] Include ‘minitest’ for cucumber default assertion framework
- [Feature] Run test from project panel (via right mouse click context menu)
- [Feature] Feature Executor display progress test execution results.
- [Enhancement] Unload page classes (especially AbstractPage) on close project. enable load rwebspec-watir and rwebspec-selenium without restart
- [Enhancement] [Cucumber] Display feature file name in test results.
- [Feature] [Cucumber] Display feature step pass/fail in console
- [Feature] [Cucumber] Highlight line number
- [Fix] selectedtestscript_spec cannot be saved.
- [Fix] smarter selection on running selected test scripts
- [Fix] move refactoring: when move code before first test case to a new before/after block
- [Feature] add working_folder entry in testwise.properties to override working folder determined by ENV[‘HOME’] or ENV[‘USERPROFILE’]
3.1 (2012-07-26)
- [New] Package IEDriver and ChromeDriver for Windows
- [Feature] tf, fs snippets now intelligently wrap current line of test steps
- [Upgrade] Ruby 1.8.7p370
- [Upgrade] Selenium-WebDriver 2.25
- [Fix] clean up deleted page classes from cache
- [Fix] Extract parameter for Selenium, normalize parameter
- [Enhancement] Change test output ‘0 failures’ colour from ‘red’ to ‘green’
- [Enhancement] Extend evaluation period to 60 days
3.0 (2012-07-01)
- [Feature] support RSpec 2.10+ (no spec)
- [Feature] Tag support (part of RSpec 2): run tests in tags
- [Feature] Support watir-webdriver
- [Feature] Include RWebSpec utils in pure Watir/Selenium RSpec tests
- [Feature] Debugging for Selenium tests: reuse current browser to run selected test steps
- [Feature] Better TestWise integration in pure Watir/Selenium RSpec tests
- [Feature] Include RWebSpec utils in pure Watir/Selenium Cucumber tests
- [Feature] Can write debug message to console window in Cucumber project
- [Feature] Support running data csv, showing execution indication in grid
- [Feature] Support ‘breakpoint’ in raw selenium-webdriver tests
- [Feature] Include ‘minitest’ for cucumber default assertion framework
- [Feature] Run test from project panel (via right mouse click context menu)
- [Feature] Feature Executor display progress test execution results.
- [Enhancement] Unload page classes (especially AbstractPage) on close project. enable load rwebspec-watir and rwebspec-selenium without restart
- [Enhancement] [Cucumber] Display feature file name in test results.
- [Feature] [Cucumber] Display feature step pass/fail in console
- [Feature] [Cucumber] Highlight line number
- [Fix] selectedtestscript_spec cannot be saved.
- [Fix] smarter selection on running selected test scripts
- [Fix] move refactoring: when move code before first test case to a new before/after block
rWebUnit first release on 2006-04-11
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