TestWise IDE
Next Generation Functional Testing Tool
4.10 (2016-11-25)
- [Change] Remove RWebSpec framework (changed xrc, hidden)
- [Change] Remove popup handler option in project settings (changed xrc, hidden)
- [Enhancement] Make JIRA integration work again with new version
- [Change] Page delay change abstract_page
- [Change] TestWise settings: hidden emulate IE
- [Fix] Record in Firefox on start page
- [Enhancement] using ChildProcess to start Firefox
- [Remove] Chm help files, change help menu link to online docs
4.9.4 (2016-11-14)
- [Update] Lock HttpClient gem to 2.7 as 2.8 (used in httptester) no longer support Ruby 1.8
- [Enhancement] Remove RWebSpec version in about dialog
- [Enhancement] Show xls, doc and PDF files in project tree
4.9.3 (2016-11-03)
- [Fix] Patch Selenium/Support/Select for 1.8 syntax
4.9.2 (2016-11-01)
- [Enhancement] Save test project with will keep attributes in order
4.9.1 (2016-10-29)
4.9 (2016-10-17)
- [Upgrade] ChromeDriver 2.24
- [Feature] Selenium WebDriver 3.0 (patched to support ruby 1.8)
- [Change] remove support capabara, use TestWise 5 instead
4.8.18 (2016-08-10)
- [Enhancement] try_for|fail_safe snippets
- [Upgrade] ChromeDriver 2.23
- [Feature] Built-in geckodriver
4.8.17 (2016-08-03)
- [Enhancement] Add license to about expire warning dialog
- [Enhancement] extract method/page strip very long parameter if tokenized by : (parameter_list_support.rb)
- [Upgrade] GeckoDriver 0.10
- [Refactor] remove RWebSpec ApI menu item
- [Fix] Submit feedback menu to point to https://agileway.net (not support...)
4.8.16 (2015-07-08)
- [New] Add GeckoDriver
- [Upgrade] RSpec 3.5
- [Upgrade] Selenium-WebDriver 2.53.4
4.8.15 (2015-06-19)
- [Enhancement] exlcude proejct sub folders
4.8.13 (2016-05-17)
- [Fix] Update IEServerDriver 2.53.1
4.8.12 (2016-04-30)
- [Fix] StoryWise integration
- [Enhancement] Check for update with new API
4.8.9 (2016-03-18)
- [Enhancement] Revert to Selenium WebDriver 2.52, 2.53 does not work firefox (even after some patches)
- [Upgrade] IEServerDriver 2.53
4.8.8 (2016-03-17)
- [Enhancement] remove file-watcher (using listen)
- [Upgrade] Selenium-WebDriver 2.53
- [Upgrade] IEServerDriver 2.52.2
4.8.7 (2016-03-16)
- [Enhancement] Auto-refresh project files changes in project pane
4.8.6 (2016-03-14)
- [Enhancement] Using new project file change monitor (listen, see base_main_frame_controller, was issue when resize main frame, add evt_resize and fixed $listener = $listener.latency)
- Default to watir-webdriver
4.8.4 (2016-03-03)
- [Change] change to tiny_tds version that works with Ruby 1.8
4.8.3 (2016-03-02)
- [new] Include tiny_tds gem for SQL server DB testing
- [Enhancement] Snippet: replace environment such as $TM_cURRENT_LINE_TEXT
- [Fix] Snippet: fail_safe, try_for, does not work with text string contains $, such "$20.99"
4.8.2 (2016-02-22)
- [Fix] Copy file sometimes does not mark new editor active
- [Feature] Close all but active editors
4.8.0 (2016-02-13)
- [Upgrade] IEServerDriver 2.52 and ChromeDriver 2.2.1
- [Feature] Auto-complete selenium's driver and element methods
- [Feature] Auto-complete watir's browser and element methods
- [Feature] Auto-complete RWebSec only when RWebSpec bundle is selected
>4.7.1 (2016-01-28)
- [Upgrade] Selenium WebDriver 2.50
>4.7 (2016-01-16)
- [Upgrade] Selelnium WebDriver 2.49
- [Enhancement] Cucumber env.rb to have driver()
- [Upgrade] filewatcher0.5.3 rb-fsevent 0.9.7 httpclient 2.7.1 childprocess 0.5.9
>4.6 (2015-12-26)
- [Feature] Compatiable with TestWise 5 license
- [Fix] Open test report button
4.4.7 (2015-11-19)
- Enhancement: detect project file changes
- [Fix] Project templates for RWebSpec's abstract_page loading rwebspec_utils
- [Fix] Crash on load project where project files invalid containing syntax or I/O read errors
- [New] Add new color theme: Kohler
- [Enhancement] Close All Windows menu move to the bottom
- [Enhancement] Move to helper refactoring, handle null when method not found
- [Fix] JSON bundle not copied in Rake
4.4.3 (2015-10-31)
- [Feature] Support showing JSON file
- [Feature] Support .erb file
- [Enhancement] More responsive editing
- [Upgrade] Selenium-WebDriver 2.48.1
4.3 (2015-08-03)
- [Upgrade] Selenium-WebDriver 2.47.1, experimental support for Edge on Windows 10
- [Upgrade] IEServerDriver 2.47
4.2.8 (2015-07-28)
- [Fixes] Watir-WebDriver option in new project dialog
- [Enhancement] In Copy file dialog when select file, clear existing text in text box
4.2.7 (2015-07-26)
- [Upgrade] Watir-Classic 4.1
- [Upgrade] RSpec 3.3
- [Refactor] Using Bat to Exe 2
- [Upgrade] ChromeDriver 2.16
4.2.6 (2015-06-06)
- [Upgrade] Selenium WebDriver 2.46.2
- [Upgrade] IEServerDriver 2.46
- [Fix] Watir-WebDriver 0.6.11
- [Enhancement] Multiple JIRA icon in context menu: show requirement
- [Enhancement] In thread to get issue from JIRA to avoid TestWise freeze, still slow though
- [Fixes] Check for Updates
- [Feature] Support showing JIRA issue
- [Refacotor] Editor issue support (under plugins)
- [Fixes] no more new test script file (right click spec folder), just _spec.rb
- [Fixes] Extract page in Selenium will use .new(browser) rather than .new(@browser)
- [Enhancement] Support pre-determining parameters for standard select list selenium statement
- [Upgrade] bundled chromedriver 2.15
4.2.1 (2015-04-12)
- [Enhancement] for Selenium @driver = $browser = Selenium::WebDriver.for(browser_type)
- [Enhancement] Extract Page refactoring, HomePage.new(browser)
- [New] Snippets for Selenium Bundle
- [New] RSpec Snippets exp, eq for Selenium, Watir and RWebSpec
- [Feature] When showing script library first, show framework based on current editor
- [Fixes] When error stack is too long, unable to detect the line where the error occurred
4.2.0 (2015-03-04)
- [Upgrade] Selenium 2.45
- [Upgrade] ChromeDriver 2.14
- [Upgrade] IEServerDriver 2.45
- [New] ruby-gmail, mime-types gem
- [Upgrade] Watir-WebDriver 0.7
- [Upgrade] chromedriver 2.13
- [Upgrade] rautomation 0.17 and other helper libraries
- [Fix] Close a modifed file click cancel will close the file
4.1.5 (2014-11-13)
- [Upgrade] Selenium-WebDirver 2.44
- [Upgrade] chromedriver 2.12
4.1.4 (2014-10-30)
- [Fix] Replace string does not respect 'case insensitive' option.
- [Change] Don't show 'xx' not found popup message when no more replacement, use less intrusive status message instead.
- [Upgrade] IEServer Driver 2.44
- [Fix] Web resource link on start page
- [Upgrade] ChromeDriver to 2.11
- [Upgrade] RSpec 3.1.4
- [Revert] Changes to get around c:\test-community\xxx\sample_spec.rb where RSpec failed to load
4.1.1 (2014-09-18)
- [Upgrade] RSpec 3.1
- [Upgrade] RWebSpec 6.0.3
- [Fix] RSpec failed to individual test case (with line number) in a path starting upcase driver litter and containing \t
- [Upgrade] selenium-webdriver (2.43) supporting Firefox 32
4.0.6 (2014-08-30)
- [Fix] support Safari (Mac version)
- [Enhancement] code block comment will work at line level
- [Enhancement] line comment starts with first visible character
- [Fix] New rwebspec test template still using test_suite
- [Fix] failed to start TestWise with syntax error in a starting project file
- [Fix] Check for updates
- [Fix] Double click .tpr project file starting TestWise with the project (Windows)
4.0 (2014-08-18)
- [Feature] Add naming convention to test template, able to switch between 'test_case' and 'story'
- [Enhancement] SCM Diff
- [Enhancement] Much faster processing execution output
- [Enhancement-TODO] SCM Status check in background
- [Feature] Support RSpec 3.0
- [Feature] Support RWebSpec 6
- [Feature(experimental)] Support Capybara 1
- [Enhancement] Navigate to page method on @xxx_page, like Cucumber steps
- [Enhancement] Ctrl+L to go to a line
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