Build Control

Trigger a build by API

Go to project settings, set a secret string as the trigger token.

Once the token is set, you can trigger a build by HTTP Post request to URL http://BUILDWISE.SERVER/api/projects/PROJECT_ID/trigger_build?token=SECRET_TOKEN.

Invalidate a build

On the build page, click the action drop down and select ‘Invalidate’.

Delete a build

You can only delete builds that marked as Invalid.

Mark build as valid

Cancel an in-progress build

There are two ways to cancel a build:

  1. from the build page

  2. from home page

Build again

Quicker way to build the project again on a build page.

Trigger test execution in browser

You can invoke test execution directly from the BuildWise’s build page. Please note the test execution will occur on the machine where BuildWise server is installed.

You can run all test cases in a test script file or just a single test case (as the example below).

The test result will show in a popup dialog.

Add build summary

Add summary infomation to a build.

Enter the text in the popup dialog.

The summary text shown on the build.

You can click the summary text to edit.