Install BuildWise Server

In previous chapter, you can see a BuildWise standalone, a pre-packaged one-click installer for Windows platform.


  • Ruby and required Gem libraries

    BuildWise is developed in Ruby, a Ruby runtime (recommend v3.2.2, direct link for Windows platform) is required.

    After installatin Ruby, run or gem-install.bat to install the gems required for BuildWise.

  • Git

    The most widely used source control system. BuildWise server supports Subversion as well, but for simplicity, Subversion support is turned off by default.

  • MySQL Server

    Install standard (and free) MySQL Server Community Edition (the version used in screencast: 5.7.11). Remember the password you set for root.

    Also you may be required to install Visual C++ 2013 redistribution package for Windows server editions. In this case, google the package and install the 32-bit version.

  • Your test project in Git

    If you don’t have one yet or looking for an example, you may use

  • ChromeDriver

    Selenium WebDriver requires dedicated driver software for drive the browser, for example, ChromeDriver for Chrome, geckodriver for Firefox, …, etc. The installation is simple: just download the binary and put into your PATH.

Install BuildWise server on Windows

  1. Download latest BuildWise release (in zip format) and unzip under a folder, suggest C:/agilway for Windows, e.g. C:/agilway/buildwise-2.4.1. Follow this convention will make self-upgrade easier.

  2. Create database for BuildWise

    C:\work> "C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.7\bin\mysqladmin.exe" -uroot -p create buildwise_production
    Enter password: *********
  3. Clone test project locally

    cd c:\work
    git clone
  4. Set database password in config/database.yml

    Make sure putting a space afer : , refer the sample.

  5. Change port number start-up.bat (optional)

    By default, the port is set to 3618. You may change the port to the default HTTP port 80, to do that, edit the start-up.bat.

Start up server

Double click startup.bat ( on Mac/Linux) under the installation directory to start up BuildWise server.

git version
== 1 CreateBuildQueues: migrating =============================================
-- create_table("build_queues", {:force=>true})
* Puma version: 6.4.2 (ruby 3.2.2-p53) ("The Eagle of Durango")
*  Min threads: 0
*  Max threads: 5
*  Environment: demo
*          PID: 8228
* Listening on
Use Ctrl-C to stop

then open http://localhost:3618 in your browser.

Login with default password: admin/buildwise (you can change the password later).

Install BuildWise on Mac or Linux

The installation process on Max or Linux is easier, as Ruby and Git are usually included with the distribution. If not, run one command using the package manager. For example, installing MySQL server will be brew install mysql on Mac and sudo apt-get install mysql-server on Ubuntu Linux.

While you can start up BuildWise with, using Phusion Passenger behind Apache/Nginx is better.

BuildWise working directory

By default, BuildWise server on windows are installed under C:\agileway. It is good idea to keep previous versions there as well, you can always go back if something went wrong.

The important folder is C:\agileway\.buildwise, which contains

  • project settings
  • checked out project source
  • build artifacts